Over and through

Unraveling the wild hedgerow’s that shelter and enclose our coastal pathways.

What at first appears to be a snarled tangle of stems, stalks, leaves and flowers is on closer inspection something that more resembles a symphony.

There is a harmony that runs throughout, where each plant has its place and the whole thing works together in a coalition of wildness.

I am always inspired by summer time and the diversity and growth that is contained in these wild edges. I spent many hours observing and drawing, picking apart the dense layers of visual imagery, deciding what to keep and what to let go of whilst being conscious of maintaining a sense that these were very much coastal hedgerows that we look over and through into infinite space towards the horizon.

I found this project very challenging due to the overwhelming amount of detail and the complexity of how these boundaries were formed. It became a balancing act between details, space and movement that is very much still in progress and will hopefully resume next summer…

Movement in Black

Willow charcoal on paper



These large pieces were built slowly, considering the balance of different marks to portray the different textures and shapes in amongst the foliage. Gradually building layers of lines, tones and space whilst maintaining an overall feeling of harmony.

Gone so soon

Willow charcoal on paper



Wild Hedgerow Study 1

Willow charcoal and soft pastel on paper



Wild Hedgerow Study 2

Willow charcoal and soft pastel on paper



It was for you

Willow charcoal on paper (unframed)



Over, through

Willow charcoal on paper (unframed)



Unfinished Symphony 1

Willow charcoal and soft pastel on paper



Unfinished Symphony 2

Willow charcoal and soft pastel on paper



Wild Hedgerow Study 3

Willow charcoal on paper

