Urban glimpse

A place remembered becomes a collection of short moments, fragments of images and sensory impressions, that overlap, merge and combine to create our own internal views that can be returned to time after time. Urban Glimpse is a series of work investigating the relationship between memory and place, in this case the urban landscape of London. 

Click images for more information on each piece and the option to buy.


“I grew up in south east London so the city is very much ingrained in my roots. I am inspired by the energy, architecture and beautiful lines. A person sitting alone in a cafe, a crowd of people bunched up waiting for a green light to cross. Adverts, text, colours and lights. Complicated, beautiful, diverse.”

“The encaustic is built up slowly with the thinnest layers of wax combined with drawing, text or whatever I feel is necessary. Layers are added, scraped back to reveal, then added again until an overall look and feel of the piece come together.”

“I made these small collages to work out some compositions and ideas for the encaustic pieces. I used torn up copies of drawings as a spring board and added layers of translucent paper and text. i then worked over the top with more drawing to unify the surfaces and create a cohesive whole.”